LeanDiscovery Applied

Sitting with the C-Suite: Andy Macdonald, Consilio

Episode Summary

Andy MacDonald, CEO of Consilio, joins the show to discuss the need for, and challenges of, accessing capital for the legal services industry, Consilio’s growth model and service mindset, and managing a corporate litigation spend in a time of uncertainty.

Episode Notes

Andy MacDonald, CEO of Consilio, joins the show to discuss the need for, and challenges of, accessing capital for the legal services industry, Consilio’s growth model and service mindset, and managing a corporate litigation spend in a time of uncertainty.

Andy has a long history of executive leadership, having grown his previous company, First Advantage, through a series of 60 acquisitions in five years. First Advantage Litigation Consulting was rebranded to Consilio in February 2013. Since then, Andy has grown Consilio into one of the largest providers of managed services in the world, overseeing a series of significant acquisitions.

Consilio is a global legal and eDiscovery services provider operating in 11 countries across the globe; Andy reports that “we provide these services across multiple jurisdictions and time zones, but our view is that we deliver the same service and the same product wherever you happen to be with us.” Consilio provides services from consulting to forensic collections, processing, document review, and production services; Andy also reports a “full suite of data scientists dig in on an analytic standpoint.” Consilio also offers a proprietary platform, Sightline, which is a tool that is geared toward self-service eDiscovery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at leandiscovery@bakerdonelson.com. We would love to hear from you.

LeanDiscovery: Sitting with the C-Suite is a series of interviews designed to provide in-house legal counsel with a birds-eye view of the eDiscovery marketplace, particularly its various technology and service providers. A key component of great eDiscovery management and execution is having a great supply chain. Sitting with the C-Suite is a forum to hear directly from the C-Suite of various eDiscovery providers about the marketplace history, current and future service offerings, and expectations of things to come. This is not an advertisement or endorsement of any of the speakers, or the companies, services and technology that they represent, by either the interviewer or Baker Donelson. The views expressed are those of the speaker. Baker Donelson’s eDiscovery team seeks to provide the best client value throughout the eDiscovery life cycle. If you have any companies or speakers that you would like to see featured, please feel free to reach out to us at LeanDiscovery@bakerdonelson.com.